Who is already tired of hearing I am bored… Or in the words of my 3 years old, “what are we doing after that?” I can definitely tell my kiddos are missing being with their friends on a regular basis, so I have tried to come up with activities and a summer routine that keeps them busy but also allows for them to entertain themselves a little.
So I thought I would share what our summer routine look like the days I am home with the kids:
6:15 am
My kids are up and ready for breakfast
7:00 am
I let Merritt watch Daniel the Tiger on PBS and I play with Clay Thomas on the porch
8:00 am
We all play together
9:00 am
Clay Thomas goes down for a morning nap and then Merritt and I either do a craft, play outside or do a learning activity. I highly recommend Tot Schooling for free learning resources.
Once I get her going I pack lunches and clean up the kitchen from breakfast
11:00 am
Clay Thomas gets up from his nap and we get out of the hose for a couple of hours. We head to the park, pool or library depending on the weather.
1:30 pm
Both kids go down for a nap and that is when I catch up on work
3:00 pm
Kiddos start waking up and we head back outside to play until Nick gets home then I head in to cook dinner.
5:30 pm
We do dinner and play more as a family or do baths
6:30 pm
Clay Thomas goes to bed
7:30 pm
Merritt goes to bed. Nick cleans the kitchen while I start getting Merritt ready for bed.

What does your summer schedule look like? How do you avoid the “I’m bored!?”