Hello! We have lots of new followers so I thought I would take a minute to introduce myself! I am Alex Trabue, the Owner and Founder of Tabulated Professional Organizing!
Let me tell you a little about me:
I have spent most of my life in Bowling Green, Kentucky. I left for a couple of years to attend the University of Kentucky, where I majored in Marriage and Family Studies. From there I moved back to Bowling Green and took a job at Berry Plastics as an administrative assistant. I worked for Berry Plastics for over 7 years. When I left I was responsible for growing $35M in product sales.
At the same time I moved back and started working at Berry Plastics, I met my husband Nick on a blind date. Two years later we were married and he is still my favorite person ever. No one can make me laugh as he can.
We currently have two sweet kiddos. Merritt who is 3 going on 16 and Clay Thomas who is 1 and only stops moving when he sleeps (he comes by it honestly). They bring just so much joy but without them, I would have never realized that I had this gift of organization. I am just like each of you and struggle with life/work balance but these sweet kiddos keep me going and motivated to live my best life.
What do I enjoy :
I love serving my church. I have been attending Broadway United Methodist since 2004. I currently serve as one of the Lay Leaders, on Council, SPRS, Trustees, and Finance. I am also a co-chair with Lil Angel’s Attic and provide meals through Broadway Babies. I also love cooking when I have the time. If the sun is out, you can find me outside (as long as it is not below freezing)…And I have an addiction to McDonald’s Half & Half Tea (don’t judge). In the summer you will often find one in my cup holder in my car.
How did I become a Professional Organizer :

I was looking for a new career. One that allowed me to be home more with my kids and that I could work as much or as little as I wanted. After many months of praying, I honestly felt God say “organization” to me one day. I can still tell you everything about that day. I went home and started researching. I reached out to a friend from Nashville who has her own Organization business (Puka Organizing for those of you in the Franklin, TN area). From there I started taking classes each night after Merritt when to bed through NAPO. After completing the course work, I spent months building my business plan. What I wanted this company to look like. Who I wanted it to serve. What I wanted customers to come to expect from us. In June of 2017 I took on my first client and by August of 2017 I put in my notice to leave Berry Plastics and already had 2 part-time employees.
Two years later this business has grown so much faster than I could have ever imagined and served people in ways that I couldn’t have dreamed up. God deserves all the glory for Tabulated. I am so glad he chose me to start this company and serve people. As of today, we have a team of 8 and have traveled for many clients outside of Bowling Green (including this beautiful move to Utah).
I can honestly say I love what I do and for that, I am so thankful!