I find that when I am really busy I manage my time better. Something about knowing I don’t have extra time to spare motivates me to use my time better. Confession time… I have struggled getting in a good groove the last few weeks. I think part of it is due to not wanting to (I don’t like the new normal) and the other part is me just struggling to work, teach preschool, clean, cook 3 meals a day, and still make time to play with my kids. My husband’s job is considered essential so it has primarily just been me and the kiddos at home during the week.
So I am slowly getting into a new routine but it could definitely get better. Each week my goal is to try to perfect it a little better until I can get in a good rhythm that allows me to take care of myself, work, take care of my family, and not feel absolutely exhausted.
You may be like me and struggling to find a good groove in this weird situation of doing everything at home. If you are not sure where to begin on developing a new routine I would recommend you start by prioritizing what is most important to you and then figure out how to work those things into your day. And of course every day is not going to go as planned, so be patient. Also, I would suggest just adding one new wish list item a week until you have it mastered. It is like training for a half marathon. You don’t just wake up one day and run a half marathon you build up to it.
So what does my routine look like:

One of my struggles has been during our Healthy at home is that Clay Thomas is up by 5:45am. That has really made it hard to get much done in the morning. But I have allowed the kids to have screen time in the mornings. I am usually anti screen time but sometimes you have to give yourself grace and just do what you have to.
First thing is we make our bed. Nick usually starts a load of laundry and we unload the dishwasher while I have a cup of coffee. Then I answer emails, write a blog or work on my ebook for about an hour. Then I try to get in a quick workout (the Corona 15 is a real thing).
Then I work with kids on learning activities. This only lasts for about 30 minutes.
Most of the day is spent playing with the kids, cooking, and picking up. I have started trying to get one small project done. Like cleaning a bathroom, mopping, or decluttering an area. I have always struggled finding a good cleaning routine. Some seasons of life, it has worked better for me to do a little bit each day and other times I do it all in one day. Right now I am doing a little bit each day. Since we can’t get the kids out of the house it hard to tackle the whole thing in one day.
After I get Clay Thomas down for a nap I take this time to work. Merritt gets to play a learning game on the iPad, play quietly or watch a show. This is when I get to return phone calls and work on quotes. Things that need more of my focus.
Nick usually gets home about the time Clay Thomas is getting up from a nap. He takes the kids outside so I can cook dinner and get a few minutes to myself. After dinner we play as family or go for a walk. Then Nick cleans the kitchen while I bathe the kids. Then it is off to bed.
Nick and usually pick up the house, set the dishwasher to run while we are sleeping, finish a load of laundry that was started earlier. Then Nick and I typically end the night by chatting at the island or watching a show. Trying to still make time for each other.
I will admit one of the things that has kept me from being more motivated and productive since being home is social media. With that being said I will be taking a little social media break this week to focus on family and work. What is keeping you from being more productive?