Are you tired of just getting through the holiday season? Are you ready to start enjoying the holiday season? I have 5 tips to help you focus on making memories and bringing back that childlike joy that comes with the holiday season.

Sit down as a family and decide what events are important and activities are most important to you. You don’t have to say yes to everything you are invited to or attend every event going on in your town. It is ok to say No. You will find that when you say no you will enjoy doing the things that matter instead of worrying about getting to the next event or being so exhausted that you can’t enjoy doing what is important to you.

Think gift-giving through In early November my husband and I sit down and make a list of all the people we need to give a gift to (the kids, parents, nieces, hostess gifts, coworkers, etc) then we assign an amount we want to spend. Lastly, we jot down and idea or what we want to get them so that we know what we are shopping for and don’t end up overspending or waste our time wandering through department stores or searching the internet. Our kids get three gifts from us for Christmas. This keeps us from bringing too much into the house and overwhelming them with toy overload that they won’t play with.

Declutter beforehand Take some time before Christmas to declutter. You are going to be bringing in new toys, clothes, electronics that you are going to be excited about. Make room for those new items. Also, declutter your pantry and refrigerator in anticipation of extra holiday cooking.

Sort and organize your holiday decor
While you have everything out decorating. Take the time to put each holiday/season together in bins. If there is decor you did not use that season, go ahead and donate it. No sense in hanging on to it if you are not using it. Tip: We offer decorating services as well as taking down/organizing holiday decorations if you need some assistance.

Remember the reason for the season Remember why you are celebrating and what do you want to remember about this season. Focus on making memories with the ones you love, keeping old traditions alive and starting new ones. After all, this is what it is really about not the gifts or decorations. It is creating memories that will last a lifetime.